This book is for all the people who have ever tried to raise institutional capital, who are doing so now, or who plan to do so in the future. In particular, this book proposes to serve as a guide for:• CEOs, CFOs, board members and other stakeholders who have tasked themselves with raising capital or with finding a buyer for their own company;• Financial advisors or legal advisors to such companies, who have been tasked with a search that falls outside their normal scope of work, but who have the technical capacity to carry out such a search. In other words, finance professionals who are sufficiently financially literate but who have not really “tried this before”;• Corporate finance advisors who are specialized in a particular field (e.g. mid-market M&A) and who have sourced mandates in another area in which they are less familiar, say, growth equity fundraising, debt raising, re-financing, or Special Situations;• Other advisors or consultants who have taken the strategic initiative to launch a corporate finance activity within their firm, and who are in need of research to inform their decision-making;• Any and all corporate finance professionals in search of quality information on the ways in which the universe of institutional investors works, and most importantly, practicable and actionable information on how to access capital within it.