Table of ContentsMy StoryWhat is a judgement?What can I say to the judge to have my judgement amount lowered?How can I avoid going to court?What is a settlement?How do I enter a settlement?Is negotiating a settlement hard?How can I negotiate to get the BEST settlement possible?What is the BEST strategy for handling a judgement?What happens when you have a Judgement against you?How do I respond to a judgement summons?How do I run from a judgement?How long do you have to pay a Judgement against you?How long does a Judgement last?Can a judgement expire?Can you settle a judgement for less?Can you go to jail for a Judgement?How long does a Judgement last?How long can a debt collector legally pursue old debt?What happens if a Judgement is not paid?Do judgements ever go away?Do all Judgements show up on credit report?How long does a credit card Judgement last?Do bankruptcies clear Judgements?Can I go to jail for not paying a civil Judgement?Can they garnish your wages for credit card debt?What happens when someone sues you and you have no money?How do you get rid of an abstract of Judgement?What happens if you lose a lawsuit and can’t pay?How do you stop a Judgement against you?What happens if you don’t pay a debt collector?Is a default judgement a final judgement?Can you make payments on a Judgement?What happens if a defendant does not pay a judgement?How many people can garnish your wages at one time?Can a Judgement be reversed?Can they take your house for credit card debt?How long can a debt collector legally pursue old debt?My Story“Any day now, they are going to find me.”, I said to myself. My heartbeat quickened as this dreadful thought pierced my mind. I stepped out of the front door of my new trailer to begin my morning run. It was 7:30am in the morning and I could feel the cool, November air on my skin as I jogged through the neighborhood. As I was jogging, I thought back to everything I had been through in the past five years…First, my nerves started breaking down at work; and because of the nervous breakdowns, my headaches were intensifying! The pain finally reached a point where I could no longer work a normal job. After losing my job, I could no longer afford a place to live – and my wife divorced me, moved away, and took our son with her. So I moved out of my expensive rental, where I was paying $1200 a month, and moved in with my mom – and lived in the FROG (free room over garage)Second, I searched and searched online for ways to earn an income from home. In my search, I maxed out several credit cards – each one maxed up to $10,000! Eventually, I did find a couple legit ways to earn an income, but I was not making enough profit yet to even pay the minimum on the credit cards – so all the credit cards went into default.Third, my mail box and cell phone blew up with mail and phone calls from creditors demanding their money back – by asking me to negotiate with them. Every day I received over 40 calls from creditors – which made my telephone unusable. It got so bad, that I had to get another cell phone in order to continue my newly discovered online business. Fourth, my mind continuously ATTACKED me as it constantly reminded me of the terrible financial situation, I was in. As a result, my conscience always felt dirty. For my entire life, I had been raised that the only way to clean one’s conscience was to ask for forgiveness – but there was no forgiveness for the debt burden that was weighing me down! I needed to find other ways to calm my thoughts, so I could be at peace while going through this chaos.Fifth, two more years, of constant mailings and phone calls from creditors, went by. Opening the mail was so stressful that it caused by entire body to tense up in pain. It was so unbearable that I put all my mail in a pile and only opened it once a week! be continued in book.